



Nation is a large group of people living in a defined geographical area, sharing a common history, culture and language under one government. 

Large group of people originates from the family, to form a clan, ethnic groups and then, the population which constitutes a nation.

The government is normally established in a certain location known as territory or country, and this is the Geographical area that is expressed in the definition of a nation.

Every nation has its history where it originates from. That history clarifies on how the nation achieved its independent and then, it bears the witness that, it is a nation.

A nation is normally identified by its national language and culture. Tanzania’s national language is Kiswahili. This means, Kiswahili is termed as the official language which is famously used by people all over the country.

Examples of nations that we have in the world are Tanzania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Canada, Sweden and Ecuador.


There are five basic components that form a nation, which are;

i.  People.

       Refers to individuals who make the national population. When these individuals have their own government, common language, culture and history, they qualify to be termed as a nation. There is no nation without population. Currently, Tanzania has a population of more than fifty million people as a nation.

ii.  Territory.

Territory is an area of land that covers a particular nation with defined political boundaries, under control of a government. It is also termed as country. The total area covered by our nation Tanzania is 945,000 km2. Tanzania is bordered by;

Kenya and Uganda to the North,

Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the South,

Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic republic of Congo to the West, and

The India Ocean to the East.

iii. Sovereignty.

Is the freedom of a country to control its own matters without interference from any other country. Sovereignty can be observed in two types; Internal Sovereignty and External sovereignty. 


a.) Internal Sovereignty.

      Internal sovereignty refers to the freedom and power of the nation to control its internal affairs without being interfered with any other country. For example, making laws and by-laws, conducting elections and making different policies for development of the nation and its people.

  b.) External Sovereignty.

      External sovereignty is the situation whereby, a country has the freedom and power to perform its matters outside the country in relating with other countries. For example, the freedom to form its foreign policy in implementing its bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Tanzania is a sovereign state, since it has both; internal and external sovereignty.

iv. Government.

     Is a group of people within the society, with the power and authority to perform administrative functions such as planning, implementing policies and making decisions for the society.


Government is an organization machinery for controlling an country or state, and it can be obtained either through elections, force or hereditary.

Government as an organ, makes laws, maintains laws and order, and defends the territory and its people. it consists of officials who run the affairs of the state.

v. Culture.

      Culture is the total way of life of people in a given society.

National culture refers to the customs and beliefs that, people commonly share in a country. It also includes the people’s arts, way of life and social organization. A nation without its own culture, is said to be dead. Therefore, culture is an important component of any nation in the world, including our country Tanzania.


Symbol is a sign that stands for something else.

National symbols are signs which have been designed to represent a nation in different aspects of life. National symbols are very important as they serve as the reminder of our national-hood to us and to the rest of the world. 

The Tanzanian national symbols are divided into two types whereby; we have the Tangible national symbols and Intangible National Symbols. 


a.) Tangible National Symbols.

     Are those national symbols that we can recognize with our sense organs such as the ones we can see and define by their physical appearance. They include the National Flag, the Constitution, the national Currency, the Presidential Standard, the Presidential Standard and the coat of Arms.

b.) Intangible National Symbols.    Are those national symbols without physical appearance, which means we cannot see or touch them. They include the national Anthem and the National Language.  

i.  National Anthem.

    Is the official song of the nation which is sung or played on special occasions. This song reflects people’s feelings, desire, glory and pride of our nation. our national anthem has two stanzas whereby, the first stanza is about Africa and the second one is about Tanzania, and it is in Kiswahili language, which is our national language. 

Occasions where the national anthem is sung:-

i./   Before the President addresses the nation and after the address.

ii./  When the national flag is being hoisted.

iii./ When the President is about to inspect the guard of honour.

iv./  When the President or the Vice President officially visits another country.

v./   When a foreign head of state officially visits our country.

vi./  At the opening of international events that our country participate such as football matches 

       and conferences.

vii./  When the national radio and television stations start and end their daily programmes.

viii./ On announcing the death of the President or the Vice President. 

The following is the Tanzanian National Anthem:-

1. Mungu ibariki Afrika                                                   2. Mungu ibariki Tanzania

   Wabariki viongozi wake                                                    Dumisha uhuru na umoja

    Hekima umoja na amani                                                   Wake kwa waume na watoto

    Hizi ni ngao zetu                                                                Mungu ibariki

    Afrika na watu wake.                                                         Tanzania na watu wake.

Kiitikio:                                                                             Kiitikio:

Ibariki, Afrika                                                                           Ibariki, Tanzania

Ibariki, Afrika                                                                            Ibariki, Tanzania

Tubariki, watoto wa Afrika.                                                      Tubariki, watoto wa Tanzania.

English Translation of the National Anthem:-

1. God bless Africa                                                                2. God bless Tanzania

Bless its leaders                                                                         Grant eternal freedom and unity

Let wisdom, unity and                                                               To its sons and daughters

Peace be the shield of                                                                 God bless Tanzania and its people.

Africa and its people.

Chorus:                                                                               Chorus:

Bless Africa                                                                               Bless Tanzania

Bless Africa                                                                                Bless Tanzania

Bless the children of Africa.                                                      Bless the children of Tanzania.

Importance of our National Anthem.

Being one of the national symbols, the national anthem is so important according to the following facts:

(a.)  It identifies Tanzania outside the country.

(b.) It is the unifying tool for all Tanzanians since it unites all Tanzanians as one family.

(c.) The national anthem symbolizes our national freedom.

(d.) It expresses a sense of belongingness to Tanzania and Africa.

(e.) It makes us feel proud of our nation Tanzania.

(f.) It acts as a prayer for Tanzania and Africa as we ask for God’s blessings when singing it.

ii. The National Flag.

      National flag is a piece of cloth with a special coloured design to represent a nation. 

The national flag of Tanzania was firstly hoisted on 9th December 1961 at the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro by Lieutenant Alexander Gwebe Nyirenda (Military Officer). That of the United Republic of Tanzania was firstly hoisted on the union day i.e 26th April 1964.The main function of our national flag is to show that, Tanzania is an independent state.

(Draw the picture of the National Flag)

Our national flag has four principal colours, which are;

Black, which represents the skin colour of the indigenous people of Tanzania and Africa, who are of black descent.

Blue, which represents water bodies found in Tanzania such as the ocean, lakes, rivers and swamps.

Green, which represents natural vegetation of our country, consisting of trees, grass and all other green plants which cover the land of Tanzania.

Golden Yellow, which represents natural resources and wealth of Tanzania like minerals.

Importance of the National Flag.

As one of the national symbols, the national flag is so important according to the following reasons;

It is a symbol of unity of our nation.

It symbolizes our nationality and culture.

It symbolizes the independence/sovereignty of our nation and its people.

It sometimes represents a national misfortune like death of many people at once or death of the state leader, when it is half-mast hoisted.

iii. The Constitution.

      Constitution is the system of fundamental laws and basic principles by which, the nation or an organization is governed. 

     In the country, there are different laws that have been made and enacted, but the constitution is the basic/fundamental law of all. This is because, it provides guidelines which the country or society must follow. Also it guides the government on how to rule the country. Our country is governed according to the constitution enacted in 1977, The constitution of the united republic of Tanzania. Since then, it has been undergoing some amendments so as to suit the contemporary changes and needs of the society. 

(Draw the picture of the constitution)

Importance of the Constitution.

      The following are areas of significance of the Constitution:

It states clearly the separation of power among the three arms of the government, which are the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislature.

The constitution is the basic law from which, all other laws of the country are made.

The constitution gives people the freedom to enjoy their rights as it guarantees them in chapter one, part three.

The government rules by the will of the people through the constitution.

The constitution provides for elections though which, people elect their representatives in the government.

 The constitution provides individuals with the mechanism to claim their rights before the courts of law.

The constitution stipulates clearly the relationship between citizens and the state leaders.

The constitution describes form and content of Tanzanian government in the perspective of the Tanzania mainland and the union government.

 iv. Uhuru Torch.

     Is the Independence Torch of Tanzania which symbolizes freedom and enlightenment to bring love where there is hatred, dignity where there is contempt and hope where there is despair. It was firstly lit on top of Mount Kilimanjaro at midnight on 9th December 1961 by Alexander Gwebe Nyirenda. The Uhuru Torch Relay is held annually. It starts and ends at important points in the country. It is a relay race where the torch is taken around the country, carrying positive social, political and economic messages.

(Draw the picture of the uhuru torch)

Importance of the Uhuru Torch.

       Uhuru torch is counted as one of the Tanzania national symbols due to its significance, including the following:

It symbolizes freedom and light to all Tanzanians.

The Uhuru Torch promotes unity among Tanzanians according to its races.

The messages carried during the Uhuru torch relay encourage positive social, political and economic changes. 

The Uhuru Torch promotes development as wherever it passes, development projects are initiated. Such projects include schools, markets, road projects and hospitals.

v. The National Language.

National language is the official language of the country which is used by the majority of the country’s population for official and non-official matters. The national language of Tanzania is Kiswahili. It is used for different official needs such as in Parliamentary sessions, at the court and when the President addresses the nation.

Importance of the National Language.

It acts as a medium of communication among people in the country.

The national language symbolizes the culture of the nation, since language is is one of the elements of culture.

It is a symbol for nationality and  international recognition since it introduces people of Tanzania outside the country.

It acts as a unifying tool for all Tanzanians since people of a common language and history are bound together.

It encourages development as people can easily communicate and run business with other developmental activities.

vi. The National Currency.

National currency is the system of money that a country uses. Every country in the world has got its own monetary system. The Tanzanian currency is Tanzanian Shilling. It is in two forms, coins of 50 shillings, 100 shillings, 200 shillings and 500 shillings, as well as in form of notes of 500 shillings, 1,000 shillings, 2,000 shillings, 5,000 shillings and 10,000 shillings. We buy goods and services using the national currency. But also we do other important matters by using the national currency as it is detailed in its importance.

(Draw pictures of three coins and three notes)

Importance of the National Currency.

(i)  It acts as a medium of exchange, since it is used in buying andselling goods and services.

(ii)  It is the identity of our nationality and freedom.

(iii) It is used to measure value of different things and services in the country and even 


(iv) The national currency is also used for settling debts of individuals, organizations

       and even the government.

(v)  It is used to pay salaries to workers of public and private sectors.


vii. The Presidential Standard.

Presidential Standard is a special flag used by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania during ofdicial events of his/her attendance. 

It has a green background colour with a blue stripped border, and the incomplete Coat of Arms in the middle. This Coat of Arms on the Presidential Standard is missing cotton and clove crop branches, two human figures and the peak of Mount Kilimanjaro.

(Draw the Presidential standard)

Importance of the Presidential Standard.

(i)  It defines the authoritative powers of the President.

(ii) It is a state symbol state of the President, as it is used to identify the residence and 

      office of the President (State House)

viii. The Coat of Arms.

Is the county's emblem which contains many different colours and landmarks of a nation. It is the official seal, logo or stamp of the government.

The Tanzanian coat of arms has twelve components which represent various national interests such as state power, economic bases, national culture and history. These are:-

Two Human Figures - The man and woman figures represent the people of Tanzania, symbolizing gender equality and cooperation between men and women in order to bring about development.

Two Elephant Tusks - They represent our national heritage in terms of wild life. Tanzania has beautiful national parks and game reserves in which, different animals and plants are found in their natural habitats.

Shield and Spear - The shield and spear on the coat of arms represent weapons that were used by Tanzanians to resist colonialism. These weapons also, represent the readiness of the people to defend the national independence. The shield and spear also represent national defence.

Golden Band (on the upper part of the shield) - Represent the mineral wealth of the country. Tanzania is endowed with different varieties of minerals such as gold, tin, diamond and tanzanite.

Flame of the burning Uhuru Torch - This is a symbol of freedom and enlightment for Tanzanians on the coat of arms.

National Flag - Represents our sovereignty.

Red Band on the Shield - Represents the red fertile soil found in our counrty, that suits agriculture, which is the backbone of our country's economy.

Crossed Axe and Hoe - Represent tools which Tanzanians use to develop our country.

Sea Waves - Represent water bodies found in Tanzania, which occupy approximately 62,000 kmof Tanzania's total area. This includes the Indian ocean, lakes, rivers and swamps.

Peak of Mount Kilimanjaro - Represents the highest mountain in Tanzania and in Africa, which is a source of pride for Tanzanians.

Crops (cotton and clove) branches - A branch of clove tree at the feet of the man and the branch of cotton plant at the feet of the woman represent cash crops grown in Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania respectively.

The inscription "UHURU NA UMOJA" - This means freedom and unity. It is the National motto of the United Republic of Tanzania. 

Importance of the Coat of Arms.

       The Tanzanians coat of arms plays an important role due to the following details:-

It symbolizes state political and economical bases.

It is a  ational symbol for Tanzania as a state.

The coat arms is also a symbol of our national culture.

It shows power amd authority of the President.

The coat of arms is also a symbol of state sovereignty, freedom and unity of the people.

It is a seal of the President and the government.


       National festivals are special days when people celebrate important events whereby, most public offices and businesses are closed on such days. People remember important historical events which have taken place in the development of the nation and the world. During these days, people are exempted from governmental/public duties. In Tanzania, these days are known as Public Holidays.


Types of Public Holidays.

National festivals are grouped into three types as follows:


1. Religious Public Holidays.

These are special days that people celebrate in remembering different events, which are based on religious faith. They include the following:

a.)  Christmas Day.

Christmas Day is marked on 25th December every year. On this day, Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,  the son of God who came to the world to deliver people from their sins according to the Christianity. Christians mark Christmas by attending church services, making merry with special food, drinks  and  exchanging gifts.

b.) Boxing Day.

This day is marked on 26th December every year. It is the day when Christians open gifts which they received on Christmas Day. Christians continue the Christmas celebrations on this day.

c.) Good Friday.

This date is calculated using special formula by Christians. It is the day when Christians commemorate the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, for deliverance of all people who believe in him. On this day, Christians do not eat meat and neither do they make any celebration, but just attend the church services to remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

d.) Easter Sunday.

The date to mark Easter also, is calculated using special formulas. This day falls in either March or April every year. It is the day when Christians commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ for the redemption of all believers from sinfulness. Christians celebrate this day by attending church service, preparing and sharing special meals and drinks, dancing and celebrating together.

e.) Easter Monday.

This is the day when Christians continue to celebrate the Easter. Christians also attend church services of accompanying the Easter Day. All other celebrations proceed as on the Easter Sunday.

f.) Maulid Day.

This is  the day Muslims celebrate the birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). According to the Islamic calendar, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was born on 12th Rabiul-Awal in 570AD. 

g.) Eid-el-Fitr.

Muslims mark this day at the end of the Holly month of Ramadhan (fasting period). The end of Ramadhan depends on the sighting of the moon. On this day, Muslims give alms to the poor. They eat together and visit one another. It is one of the happiest days for Muslims.

h.) Eid-elHall.

This is the day Muslims celebrate the end of pilgrimage to Mecca. On the day of Eid-el-Hajj, 10th Dhul-Hajj according to the Islamic calendar, Muslims slaughter goats and sheep and eat together.

Importance of National Festivals/Public Holidays.

National festivals or Public Days are special days given honour according to their significance as follows:

They mark important events in our country, for example the Union.

These celebrations keep the history of our country alive, as they remind on what took place in our country. For example Independence, Republic and the Zanzibar Revolution.

During these events, leaders pass important information to the public through various speeches, a dressing the audience and the nation at large.

These days provide an opportunity for citizens to meet and share views, experience and knowledge.

Celebrating these days enhances unity of Tanzanians.

Annual celebrations impart on Tanzanians, the culture of commemorating important national events.

National festivals also enable leaders to identify problems in the society as the citizens highlight their problems through speeches, posters, drama or songs.


Student Scores

Student Scores

# Name Gender Civics History Geography English Lang Biology Chemistry Physics B/Math Kiswahili Position Points Division
1 AISHA RAJABU MATEO F 19 34 75 15 30 51 50 35 40 116 30 IV
2 AISHA SWALEHE PILI F 57 11 91 22 4 86 55 49 60 27 24 III
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