


(a) Basic concept related to gender

Gender refers to a social cultural relationship between men and women on basis of their functions, roles behavior and social cultural attributes practiced. Discussing issues found in gender and development area. There is a need of illustrating the social systems found and lived by the societies first as:
Gender concept terms.

 a)  Sex: Is the biological difference between men and women on basis of their biological make up function in reproduction and nature of their behavior. This difference then brings to two sex types as male and female sex.

b) Gender: is the social cultural relationship between men and women on their differences in roles, function and attributes shown between them.


NB: The difference between gender and sex is on the fact that sex is the biological difference between men and women while gender is the social cultural relationship in their difference.


This social cultural give difference to two gender type as;


 Masculine Gender – Standing for male sex and
 Feminine gender – standing for female sex


c)  Gender discrimination: Is the situation in which one kind of sex is denied its rights and opportunities in the society just because of its being in that category.


d) Gender stereotype: Is the assigning of roles, tasks and responsibilities to a particular gender on the basis of interests.


e) Gender oppression is the situation where by one gender type is suppressed by another gender because of its being of that gender. It includes harsh treatment of one sex group e.g suppressing women’s rights, burning of women’s say etc.


g)  Gender inequality: Is the situation where by there is unequal treatment of gender such that one group is given more Prentice than the other.


h) Gender bias: Is the positive or negative of attitude or practice of gender issues towards men and women e.g. Considering women inferior in front of men etc.


i)   Gender sensitivity: Is the situation of being aware of different in role performed by women and men and the needs to be planned and obtained by the two gender.


j)  Gender analysis. is a type of sociol economic analysis that uncovers how gender relations affect a development problem.


k) Gender equity: Is the fairness and justice treatment balance the recognition of both men and women potential e.g. emphasizing balanced diet to both men and women


l) Gender focus: Is the addressing of specific gender need determined by a specific gender. It is demonstration of gender sensitivity on the needs and privileges that men and women should get in society.


m) Gender balance: Is the situation where by men and women or male and female live their opportunity rights and needs equally.


  1. It can be however generalized gender inequality in society is mainly seen to be caused by nomination of patriarchal system and its important to know that whenever and wherever this gender relation exist it is women who are affected specifically is all aspect of life.


a) Patriarchal system is a social political system which is organized and run by men, in this system a father is given the power and authority to Control the Community starting from family which is the primary Unit of a society. The patriarchal system allows men to exercise power, authority and hold higher position of leadership in the society excluding women.

The word  patriarchy is from two Greek words ‘Pater’ that means “father” and ‘achy’ means to rule. The patriarchy system is originally linked to various  historical sources of data such as Theology verses(God created Adam first then later Eve) such supporting data give strength over the existence and practice of patriarchal system in all societies of the world. Example of the manifestation of this, Men hold most high social political and economic position in states, government and other organizations. The patriarchal system has therefore brought to various gender issues, such as gender discrimination. Gender discrimination, gender inequality, uneven division of work and share gap etc.


  1. In a family a father holds all power over women and children.
  2. Women are subordinates to mean's rule (i.e. they are dependent to men).
  3. Power is held by and passed down through male elder.
  4. Marriage is based on property ownership ( i.e. men are the subject of paying bride price).
  5. Oppression of female gender.
  6. Execution of women from authority and power over the community.
  7. In marriage women always move to their husbands family empires.
  8. Men are considered to have central authority to all organizations.
  9. Marriage to women is a social bound issue i.e. it is planned under man's final decisions.
  10. Men are given privileges of power in directing and controlling all issues in the society.


How the patriarchal system in Tanzania influence gender relations

 Patriarchal system is a system where men are dominant and women are subordinate, men are considered to have power, ownership and control over things of value while women are considered powerless and have no or fewer ownership.


In Tanzania patriarchy has been a major cultural heritagy upbringing practice which has undesirable results against gender equality in the following ways:-

(i) Under patriarchal systems, girls and boys in Tanzania grow up in households and communities that treat them differently and unequally where boys are taught to learn that they have greater social value because they are permanent members of their families of birth.


(ii) The use of offensive language against female in front of children. This makes boys feel that they are superior to girls from childhood.


(iii) Division of labor. At the family level a girl child is accorded heavier and time consuming work load compared to that of boys. For instance fetching water, cooking, washing clothes taking care of babies at home are said to be quite of a girl not a boy.

(vi) Female beatings and harassment during marital conflict. Boys are trained to be aggressive and muscular with reasonable tolerance while girls are always told to have tolerance for their emotional expressiveness.


(v) Toys for children. The notion that men are stronger than women is presented in child cartoons via mass media. A child is learning how to act through observing what message is being presented through the mass media. For example, a doll for a girl and a toy gun for a boy.


(vi) Education to boys rather than girls. Many parents are reluctant to send their daughters to school while preference is given to boys.


(vii) Males have more access to control of resources and decision making while females have no right impedance of property in patriarchal families.

 Ior academic performance.

(ii) Women have no right to inheritance of property of their parents or husbands.

(iii) Women are not supposed to eat certain types of food when they are pregnant. In some societies, for instance, not allowed to eat mutton,  eggs etc. This weakens their reproductive health and affects the health of both a woman and the baby to be born as they lack nutritious food.

(iv) A girl has no right to choose her fiance. In some societies, it is the parents who decide who is to be a husband of their daughter regardless of her consent. 

(V) Bride price/ dowry payment. This enslaves women and they turn out to be like a commodity bought or exchanged with another commodity. This makes their husbands to mistreat them as they think that they bought them.

(vi) Stereotyping: Stereotypes are over –generalized beliefs about people based on their membership in one of many social categories.


  •   Men are perceived as aggressive, cooperative and financial and providers while women are viewed as passive, cooperative and caretakers.
  •   Women are not regarded as important in big decisions of the community


(vii) Laws and regulations: Women are only the rulers of domestic life. For example, cooking, fetching water, caring for children.


III. Institutional Level

1. Religious Institutions


(i) Some religious doctrines emphasize on submissiveness of women to men. For example, in Islam there is provision which states that “Men are    guardians over women because Allah has made them to overstay. So a virtuous woman is one who is obedient………….. “(Quran 4:34) Also some people quote the Bible that God said to a woman “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing in pain you shall bring forth children. Yet your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you” (Gen 3:16)

  (ii) Women are denied of high leadership positions in churches or mosques. These positions are only reserved for men.


2. The school institutions


(i) The literature used in schools portray the role of women negatively For example; women are portrayed as sexual objects.

(ii) Sexual harassment is serious to girls from male teachers. Teachers expect girls to fail while boys are considered to be brilliant. Hence, girls are not encouraged to do better than boys.


 3.  The state institution


(i) There are poor government policies on women whereby most leadership positions are dominated by men while having lower percentage of women leaders.


(ii) Equal opportunities emphasized in legislation are not being often enforced.

 (iii) Some customary laws are retrogressive and most of the judicial laws are customary law.

  (iv) Confining women in private sphere.


Matriarchy system is the system in the society where by females, especially mother have the central role of all social political issues of the community. In this system a mother is said to have power to control and run the family however being dominant even in community issues. The societies with such a system are also termed as gynocentric society. Generally  matriarchy system can be defined as the socl


Impact of gender discrimination on social and economic development

Gender inequality has a great impact especially on women and poverty. Men have more opportunities to have an income, have more political and social rights than women. Women experience more poverty than men due to gender discrimination.


Following below are the impact/effects of gender discrimination on social and economic development;

  1. The inability of some mothers to meet the financial needs of their families. This has had an impact on the level of post natal care and thus on health of their children. For example, it has been researched and found that some mothers do not attend clinics if they perceive that their children’s clothes are un-presentable.


  1. Increase of maternal mortality rate: These have been an increase in maternal mortality rate. It is regarded as a key indicator of women’s unequal access to health care. Causes are attributed to abortion, toxemia in pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, post hemorrhage:  sepsis during child birth and ruptured uterus due to early marriages among girls.


  1. Humiliation and exploitation of women due to rape, forced prostitution, kidnapping of girls and trafficking of women for sexual business.


  1. Poor health to women due to, for instance, bearing many children and being over worked by productive roles, reproductive roles and community roles 


  1. Disability and incapacitation of woman due to domestic violence. Some form physical violence from the husbands or male partners may range from the pushing and slapping to battering and maiming.


  1. Poor diet due to forbidding women to eat certain types of nutritious food such as mutton, eggs, etc.


  1. Poverty and misery. This happens due to denial of property ownership such as land inheritance and property inheritance, etc


  1. Lack of financial support: Most women do not qualify to get bank loans for running economic activities since they lack collateral security as they do not have access to property ownership.


  1. Killing of female babies at birth or female infanticide due to son preference.
  2. Old age abandonment or neglect due to lack of children or lack of support.


Affirmative actions towards balance gender relations (Gender mainstreaming)

Affirmative actions refer to steps taken to address gender issues in all development projects and programmes by distributing duties and responsibilities involving both sexes. Tanzania has, since independence, taken measures with a view of realizing equality between women and men by ensuring access to, and equal opportunities in political and public life including the right to vote and to stand for elections as well as the right to education, health and employment. The following are specific affirmative actions taken to balance gender relations:

(i) Lowering admission cut-off points for female: cut off points for females to be admitted at the upper secondary and higher education have been lowered. For Example, in Tanzania female candidates who have attained the minimum required grades to enter public universities are allowed.


(ii) Introduction of pre-entry programmes to female students: This was introduced in 1997 in Tanzania to address the relatively small number of female students and academic staff in the faculty of sciences at the University of Dar es Salaam. Currently, six weeks remedial or pre-entry programme benefits candidates with science background.


(iii) Gender equal interventions on Employment: There have been measures to bring about equal opportunities in employment. This has been done through development and establishment of equal employment opportunity office and putting in place the legal stipulations which strongly discourage discrimination in the Tanzania Employment and Labour Relations Act No. 6 and Labour Institutions Act No.7 of 2004.


(iv) Female scholarships and other forms of financial assistance: At the higher education level, there are various women only scholarship programmes from government and non-government sources. For example, the Carnegie Corporations through full cost scholarship programs for girls give support to Tanzania girls enrolled in undergraduate course.


(v) Enacting strict laws against negative cultural practices such as female genital mutilation: For example in 1998, the government passed the “sexual Offences Special Provision Act (SOSPA) to address fun Gender-based violation of which female genital mutilation to girls below 10 years was made illegal.


(vi) Placing women in positions of responsibility and influence so as to make them demonstrate their capabilities: for example: constitutional amendment of April 2000 allowed the president of the United Republic of Tanzania to nominate up to ten members of parliament and increased the number of special seats for women from 15% to 20% depending on the allocation made by the National Electoral Commission from time to time.


(vii) Allowing women to inherit property: For example, Land Act No.4 and the village Land Act No.5 of 1999 and the Amendment to the Land Act in 2004 improved women’s accessibility to land. Sections 3(2) and 23(2) of the village Land Act provided for the right of women to be allocated land and impose a duty on the village council to ensure maximum protection of their rights.


(viii) Setting gender specific policies. For example, Women and Gender Development Policy of 2000.


(ix) Enactment of laws against gender discrimination: For example, following the recent development in 13thConstitutional Amendment (2000) gender discrimi@eople in a certain place resulting from a certain abnormal circumstance.

The HIV disease is deviation of the body from its normal immunity condition, HIV is an acronym of the (human immune deficiency virus).
These viruses are mostly blooded transmitted or transmitted in fluid condition, thus do attack the helper cells of the body immunity system, so causing weakness of the body immunity which gives to the incurable AIDS as a disease.


These factors are much socio cultural connected

  1. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
  2. Raping.
  3. Blood transfusion.
  4. Polygamy.
  5. Inheritance of widow/spouse.
  6. Sharing of sharp tools like needles razor blades etc.
  7. During the child birth in breast feeding.
  8. Unprotected sexual intercourse.
  9. Early marriage or forced marriage.


Early infection of HIV/AIDS often produces no signs or symptoms it can take a year before HIV weakens the immune system whereby the following symptoms can be observed.

  1. Dry /coughing and short breathing.
  2. Red/brown/purplish color inside mouth or nose or eyes.
  3. Mental illness such as loss of memory often forgetfulness and neurological disorder.
  4. Several headache.
  5. Swollen lymph glands.
  6. Rapid loss of weight.
  7. A kind of skin cancer diseases.
  8. Pneumonia.
  9. Persistent and severe diarrhea.
  10. Sever and persistent fever.
  11. Lack of coordination in nerve and several painful in swallow.
  12. Wide spots on tongue mouth and throat.


Do not rely on this  sign to establish diagnosis of AIDS symptoms might also be similar to those of other diseases and illness of a person


  1. Loss of life expectancy.
  2. Loss of man power.
  3. Increase of orphans.
  4. Acceleration of poverty rate.
  5. Increase in government expenditure.
  6. Increase of miseries and sufferings.
  7. It stagnates economic.
  8. Leads to family separation.
  9. Exit of generation.


Government of different states have taken some steps of fighting against HIV/AIDS pandemic as the ways or measures against its spreads and effect. The following are some of ways;

i)  Provision of education to people on how AIDS is spread and effect to the society at large.

ii) Provision and supply of preventive medication and materials worldwide e.g. the use of condoms or supply of condoms medication.

iii) Implementation of the policy of caring of AIDS victims.

iv) Establishment of NGOs dealing with HIV/AIDS precautions and prevents e.g. USAIDS, TACAIDS.
Role of the individuals in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS
1. To avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse especially with high risk people like prostitutes, commercial sex workers and people with multiple sexual partners. For sexually active people it is important to practice protected sex such as use of condoms.

2. To abstain from sexual intercourse before marriage. After marriage the couples should be faithful to each other
3. To avoid transfusion of unscreened blood for HIV. This should also include avoiding contact with human blood from other people in situations of injuries and accidents.
4. To avoid sharing surgical and piercing instruments such as injection needles, air piercing equipment, and cutting blades. Any piercing or surgical 

 cutting instrument should be property be sterilized.
5. To avoid drunkenness and other from of drug abuse that espouse someone to situation of irresponsible sexual intercourse making one vulnerable to infection with HIV
6. To have regular medical check-up in counseling and voluntary testing centers for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. This enables a person to know his or her status so as to take precautions not to be infected, re-infected or infecting others.
7. For pregnant women, it is important to test for HIV/AIDS so as to avoid, transmitting the virus to the fetus or the baby after birth.
8. To abandon bad cultural practices like female genital mutilation, forced marriage, polygamy, etc
9. To avoid the misuse of development in technology. For example, the use of internet and other technological devices for watching pornographic pictures.

Environment is the natural surroundings of an organism which directly or indirect influence its growth and development. 

These refer to complex or intricate matters concerning environment which is directly to man’s life or are critical matter occurring in the environment and seen affecting human being. This issue can be put into two categorized.

 (i) Natural environment issue. This occurs naturally from the influence of nature

 (ii) Artificial environment issue.

 The natural environment issue are caused by nature of climate and difference force within the earth e.g. Earth quake, volcanism, Flooding, Hurricane, faulting activities are like tsunamis. The main caused issue being by human activities are like desertification, Global warming, environment pollution and some of influence disease.

Environmental components can be grouped into two areas which are BIOTIC and ABIOTIC in the sense that biotic area discusses all living things like animals, plants (flora) and (fauna) and micro organism. While abiotic stand to all non livingthings like Air (atmosphere, hydrosphere etc) water bodies, soil rocks, landforms.

Importance of Environment to man

(i)  Environment is only home of all organism ( life supporter function).

(ii) It is resourceful site for all man needs (the resources provide function) all materials for life are obtained on earth environment.

(iii)  Is the home of duties and activities (Productive function) environment support or kind of activities such as transportation, Agricultural activities etc.

Relationship of between development and environment
1. Resources from the environment provide livelihood and play different roles in different economic sectors like agriculture, mining, tourism, etc
2. Environment provides construction materials fuel woods medic, water and food.   
3. Environment provides resources for human development land, minerals, forest, water
4. Development converts the environment into further usable forms. These forms alter and limit further opportunities for future development. In the process of development social, economic changes facing the human capacity of the environment to call the challenges are taken into consideration.

Rationale for studying the environmental issues.
The study of environmental issues is very important to impact to the individual the cross-cutting issue education with the intention of reducing the rate of destruction and increased rate of conservation. This is made through:

i. Getting a profound understanding of the sources nature and scale of the problems related to the environment so that it can be easy to devise some measures towards addressing these problems.

ii. Increasing awareness to people on rapid alarming and dramatic rate of the environmental degradation, man should not stay ignorant of these issues lest the problems results to the total extermination of human existence

iii. Encouraging man to use the resources so judiciously or in the rational way by relating the use of those resources and the effects that kind of use to the environment. This helps in insuring that resources are used with minimum possibility of jeopardizing the chance of existence of the future generation 

iv. Uniting people from different parts in the world to consider the protection of the environment is global and collective compaign  in order to ensure free risky living of living organisms, particularly man. 

Environmental issues and some solutions   


Refer to the range of organism present in a particular environmental part or ecological system, It is the presence of animals and plant species in given area of the survives.
Loss of biodiversity is the disappearance of difference species of organism due to the influence of mans activities and natural influence.

ENDANGERED SPECIES: The group of animals which are at risk of becoming extinct, due to factors that they are being few in number and being threatened by environmental changes.


  1. Is the protective cover of ground  against erosion, desertification and weathering.
  2. Habitat for wild animals.
  3. Flora bring (forest) influence the formation of rain.
  4. Maintain and preserving water bodies sources.
  5. Plant and trees are building materials.
  6. Plant gives out air e.g. Carbon dioxide, oxygen.
  7. Forest provide food and medicine.
  8. Forest modifies a climate.
  9. Forest are importance in soil formation.

Caused of loss of biodiversity 

(i)  Poaching: Illegal taking of wild species to other places against the national management law.

(ii)  Exotic species: The new species introduce may being.

(iii)  Rampant bush fire: The burning of bush and forest resulting to killing of organism while some vacate the origin place.

(iv)  Mining activities: The cast and quarrying method kills the organism.

(v) Lumbering: cutting of trees for timber and wood also affect the organism occupation.

(vi) Bad fishing method: The using of blast and bombing and some other chemical.

(vii) Poor farming method e.g. over grazing lead the animal to disappear after being large is number.


Is an issue of cutting down trees in forest without replacing them, It is one of the way of exploiting forest product like charcoal, fire wood, fruits, medicine.

Deforestation might be done for different purpose like converting the forested land in to settlement land also making way for pass e.g. road, railway also pasture, Productive activities like Agriculture.

However all such activities result poor protection of forested area thus influencing deforestation completely the report show that 33 million   hectares of Tanzania has 90,000 hectares which is unprotected or deforested area.


(i)  Lumbering: cutting down the trees for wood.

(ii)  Bush fire which is uncontrolled.

(iii) Expansion of settlement.

(iv) Extension of farming activities.

(v) Over grazing.

(vi) Charcoal production.


Effect of deforestation 

(i) Climatic change.

(ii) Soil erosion.

(iii) Desertification.

(iv)  Loss of natural land.

(v) Loss of biodiversity.

Halting of deforestation

(i)  Encourage forestation and reforestation programs.

(ii)  Provision of mass education on important of forest to the environment.

(iii) Control bush fire – Under setting the policy and law.

(iv) Control of slow down population growth and dispersal.

(v) Discourage shifting cultivation.

(vi) Introduction of alternative sources of energy e.g. bio-gas.


Is the conversion of a grass productive and land into desert which is non productive one as result of poor management. Desertification mainly occurred in semi arid area and about 1/3 world surface is semi arid which it predicted later on to be desert in the coming century.

The report reveals that 70% percent of the world semi arid area will be affected by the ongoing Global warming so bringing to desertification. Desertification now is approximated to take 12 million hectares of the world, the remaining part of the world are taken by water bodies and arid land.

Causes of desertification 

(i) Over grazing.

(ii) Deforestation.

(iii)  Global warming.

(iv) Over cultivation.

(v) Nuclei testing and bombing.

(vi) Bush fire.

(vii) Poor forming method.


(i)  Accelerate soil erosion.

(ii)  It brings to floods.

(iii)  Loss of land nutrients e.g. nitrogen.

(iv)  Loss of biodiversity.

(v)  Decline of farming activities.

(vi) It initiates other environment problem like Air pollution.


(i)  Introduction of better farming method. Include mixed farming contour farming ,leguminous plants.

(ii)  Encouraging forestation and reforestation.

(iii)  Control population growth and disparities.

(iv)  Establishment and enactment of policies and law on land conservation.

(v) Control over grazing.

(vi)  Control of bush fires.



Is decline or deterioration of the lands ability to support life. Degradation might not necessary associate the addition of pollutant to degrade the land.

 Therefore that degradation is different from pollution perhaps it is closely related in some parameters with soil erosion.

Causes of Land degradation

(i) Up down slope cultivation (it bring to easy soil erosion).

(ii) Use of agro - chemical on farms e.g pesticides ,industrial fertilizers.

(iii) Mono culture farming.

(iv) Nuclear testing and bombing.

(v)  Poor industrial sector setting(waste product).

(vi) Mining Activities.

(vii) Bush fires.

(viii) Shifting cultivation.

(ix) Over grazing.



(i) Loss of soil fertility.

(ii) It brings to formation of bad landscape.

(iii) Loss of biodiversity.

(iv) Might let to Desertification.

(v)  Deteriorate natural landscape and  vegetation cover.

(vi) Eutrophication of water bodies e.g. Mining activities.


Prevention of Land degradation
This means the contamination of water by addition unwanted substances into water bodies that may harm life.

Prevention of Land degradation

(i)  Use of organic fertilizer e.g. Manure.

(ii) Encourage biological diversity program i.e. management of natural vegetation and other organism.

(iii) Conservation of wet land.

(iv) Avoiding over cultivation and over grazing.

(v) The use of better farming method. Like contour farming crap rotation.


This means the contamination of water by addition of unwanted substances into the water.


Are the waste products  that pollute our environment components. These components are in two groups;

  1. Biodegradable.
  2. Non biodegradable.
  1. Biodegradable

Can decompose into simple element, e.g. the cow dung, dead plant sewage etc.

  1. Non – Biodegradable

These cannot decompose with simple substances e.g. plastic, gases, iron etc.


(i)  Poor sewage system i.e. poor setting of chambers direct to the dumping.

(ii)   Bad fishing method.

(iii)  Agricultural activities.

(iv)  Improper waste disposal.

(v)  Mining activities.

(vi) Cover growing settlement/poor settlement planning.



(i)   It may lead to spread of diseases.

(ii)   Eutrophication of water - over once transition of water nutrients.

(iii)  Loss of clean and safe water.

(iv) Loss of Biodiversity i.e. aquatic organism.

(v)  Food poisoning i.e. a aquatic animals and organism will also be poisoned however affect human health as then used as food i.e. fish

(vi)  Loss of clean water for organism use.

(vii)  It might bring to air pollution.



Land pollution is the contamination of the surface/land of the earth by improper imposition of waste on a land. The pollutant on land can be grouped into solid pollutants and fluid pollutants.

The   solid pollutant includes agricultural waste product, domestic disposals, coals, charcoal etc.

The fluid pollutant is likely chemical from industries, oil from moving machines etc.



  1. Excessive use of agro – chemicals e.g. pesticides and fertilizers.
  2. Improper waste disposal e.g. plastic disposing etc.
  3. Diesel and oil leaking.
  4. Bombing and nuclear testing.
  5. Hazard settlement planning and setting.
  6. Poor industrial sewage setting.



  1. Recycling of waste products e.g. plastic can be refined into something else.
  2. Discouraging poor settlement setting and planning.
  3. Control the use of industrial fertilizer i.e. use of organic manure on farms.
  4. Encouraging and promoting the use of toilets.
  5. Educating people on the importance of land i.e. environmental education.
  6. Enactment of laws and policies on proper use of land.



Is the increase in average temperature on surface/atmosphere, In global warming temperature tends to increase faster than normal, the main cause of global warming is the gases collected in the atmosphere and surrounding of the earth, gases causing global warming are such as concentrated CO, methane Chlorofloro carbons, bromine nitrogen oxide and other Chlorofloro carbons elements (green house gases).

These gases do trap the heat and light from the sun so causing concentration of heat in atmosphere, the green house gases and its element, have different ability of trap heat and light from the sun. However global warming is seen to vary in extents of its increase.


(i) Carbon dioxide emitted from burning of fossils, charcoal etc;

(ii) Methane gases.

(iii) The use of chemical fertilizer.

(iv) Destruction of ozone layer.

(v)  Constant.

(vi) Green house effect.


(i)  It result to loss of biodiversity i.e. escape, die of green algae, becomes extinct

(ii)  It influence the eruption of disease e.g. skin disease, cancer, malaria.

(iii)  It deteriorate the natural fertility of land.

(iv)  It disturb the atmospheric condition of the organism.

(v)  Melting of ice intensively decrease in snow cove.

(vi) Over rise of sea level.


Control measure of Global warming

(i)  Controlling in bush fire.

(ii)  Control deforestation.

(iii)  Discourage poor setting of gases emission from industry.

(iv) Promoting forestation and reforestation

The concept of Global warming and green house effect are closely related and they work together in affect one another such that green house result to Global warming and effect of warming are much more similar to the green house gases effect.


These gases do trap and collect the heat and light from the sun, so causing changes of temperature in the atmosphere and different from the changes on the scale.

Causes of Green house gases

(i)  Deforestation result to production of methane gases, Carbon dioxide gas.

(ii) Bush fires i.e. produce Carbon monoxide which mix with Carbon dioxide gas.

(iii) Fire extinguishing gases.

(iv) Gases from refrigerator e.g. Floride

(v) Emission of burnt oil from machines.

(vi) Aerosol sprays.

(vii) Burning of charcoal i.e. produce carbon monoxide.

Ozone layer Depletion

Ozone is the blue and very reactive gases made of three atoms of oxygen.
The combination of atomic oxygen with molecule oxygen combinations takes place.

Ozone layer, Is the region of concentration of oxygen molecules at stratosphere layer.
the importance of Oxygen layer is it protect the harmful ultraviolet sun-rays to reach the surface ground of the earth and cause effect to the living organism

Ozone layer Depletion
The depletion of ozone layer happens when the green house gases and other harmful one reach the stratosphere so react and distorting the oxygen molecule (ozone layer) causing ozone layer holes, such destruction is general termed to be cause by the ozone deplete substance (ODS)
The report shows that the ozone layer covering 90% of its protection at stratosphere has been affected to 50% to 40% of protection.

Effect of Ozone layer Depletion

(i) Result to decline of organism productivity

(ii) It increases eye catalact and blindness

(iii) It bring to Direct incoming of U.V Sun-rays to the grounding gases

(iv) Might lead to over melting of which decrease is snow cave.

(v) It bring the eruption of skin disease such cancer, black sports etc

(vi) It influence pollution of environment e.g. air pollution

(vii) It bring to climate changes.

 9. Environment hazards and catastrophes
Hazards are events that occur and when they take place they put the life of living organism in danger or at risks.
Catastrophe refers to a disaster or something that entails destruction of properties as well as environment degradation. Catastrophes are caused by hazards and they assessed in terms of damage . Hazardous events include acid rain, drought, floods, k

Major types of corruption in the society. 

(i) Grand corruption

(ii) Petty corruption.

Grand corruption

This is the misuse of government power for illegitimate private gain. It is also known as political corruption or action that constitute to corruption depend on the countries jurisdiction meaning that there are some action done is one country as illegal but legal in another country.

According to the global report of 2008 the grand corruption as such as the Richmond affair, Radar, BOT scandal, ghost workers, tax holidays scandal, public officials accommodation scandal etc


(i)  Richmond scandal;

The taxes base Richmond development company got is to contract with the Tanzania government that the company was to provide 100M power to the national grid 179 dollar. However the program never arises successfully while the country has already started paying such amount using a ministry.

(ii) Radar corruption

The government of Tanzania lost huge amount of money by buying a military radar for high expense of 40millions pound something of which was not expected to poor country like Tanzania , such payment and its transaction was suspected to be corrupt and mockery of justice to poor country. The radar was to be bought in 10 million pound instead 40 million pound was used.

This was firstly investigated by the British serious fraud office (BSFO) so brought a hot discussion In British government (parliament) however discussion was also held in Tanzania government through the use of parliament just after the issue globally known. From this discussion the British government was required to pay back 30 million pound which was seen to exceed the required amount of price.

However this become hard since its Tanzania official who were mostly involved in such corruption.

(iii) The BOT scandal

The BOT was seen to have misused the external payment Arrears (EPA) fund in 133 billions by paying the ghost company in the financial year 2005 – 2006 involves paying of external debt. The issue become difficult to judge having inconveniences and contradictions toward resolution due to the death of the director of BOT.


Tanzania have been losing billion of money by paying a non – existing employee (Ghost workers),the SIG(Controller and Auditor General) report shows that 2009-2010,9billions in salary were paying to ghost workers, in this 3.4 bills was paid to educating ghost workers and 42 was portrayed to health sector ghost workers the general number of this two Ghost worker reach 2900.

Public officials Accommodation
The government of Tanzania is still losing billions of money in accommodating the ministry, judges, the RC, DC (District in hotel and expensive apartment during meeting and seminar something of which is said to be misuse of money unnecessary.  

The report show that 2010 – 2011 some minister were accommodated in Ubungo Plaza in Dar es salaam where the government  paying 105 US dollar per day, other were accommodate in Protean so paying 155 and 180 US dollars per day.

Petty Corruption

This refers to all form of bribes taking place in every days life in avoidance of implementing the existing rules and regulations, It mostly takes place between official and normal civilians, it is found in public administration with their people administered, Petty corruption bring much effect to an individual than the country at a specified time.

    Economic effects


  1. It increase the cost in business


This is due to free planning of price by people in negotiation is applicable


  1. Economic distortion in public sector this is due to illegal investment and privatization which are much more corrupt
  2. Increase income of fake product
  3. It dates collection of Revenue e.g. Tax avoidance, illegitimate trade.
  4. Fluctuation of local commodities price
  5. Stagnant of economic growth
  6. Increase in production cost.


 Political effect


  1. It reduce the accountability of government bodies
  2. Result to in efficiency provision of social services
  3. It distorts the government
  4. It result to political instability
  5. It weaken effectiveness of laws enforcement
  6. It gives to emergence of crimes protected by authority e.g. poaching, illegal drugs
  7. Grabbing of land
  8. It diminishes the respect of government authority


 Social effect


  1. It leads to poor provision of social services
  2. It lead to poor control of price
  3. It brings weak and non qualified exports in offices
  4. It lead to emergence of social class and social stratification ex-poor, moderate poor, Rich and intermediate one
  5. It degrade a human value by replacing with money value
  6. It gives to poor eradication of calamities plans, extra death, ignorance, poverty and disease
  7. It lead to retardation of development skills



The trend or magnitude of corruption in Tanzania is said to be in high involve affectation is its up and down growth experienced in different regimes/ Leadership. The report identify data obtained from 2002,2009 to 2010 revealing that the country is seen to be corrupt in all form of its administration as starting in election to exercise of power given.

This report shown that 58% of respondents declared that unelected official involve corruption, here it touches the government official and local council. Also report from CAG (controller Auditor and General) shows that not less than 30% of the government budget is lost annually in corruption, the report from sectors like the Natural resources sector of 2007 reveals that 95% of revenue from the resource ends up in pocket of politicians while only 5% goes to country Authority. Therefore most of government officials or government and country at large can be concluded so corrupt from the report identified.


  1. The power production sectors e.g. about 697 billion Tanzania shillings was lost in Tanzania.
  2. Mining sector and Companies, the government is said to have lost hundred billions to 700 billion due to tax avoidance involving corruption   in Company. E.g. in 2009 to 2011 Tanzania lost 5 billion over the sale of Celtel company or Zain Africa to Bhatty Airtel of India.
  3. The Judiciary sector corruption reached to 47% 2006 to 2008 where by the judges and magistrates were said to have been corrupt in judgement of 10 thousands cases corrupt in 47% of all the cases.
  4. Natural resource sectors the report of 2007 revealed politician to have been corrupt such that 90% of the revenue from the resource they were in trusted ended up on their pocket.
  5. Financial sector and Revenue, the government of Tanzania is said to have misuse the EPA fund in 133 billions in year 2005 and 2006 such misuse typically regarded as corruption.
  6. Police force or security sector, the general police and Traffic are also extremely corrupt this involves the charge in cases solving charges in criminal saving etc as the way to improve or change their low life standard from the low salaries they receive which is insufficient to run their life.


  1. Bribery;

It is an act of offering someone money or any valuable things to persuade him/her do something for you against the procedure or law. This kind of corruption is done to avoid bureaucratic procedures of services, it requires two participants were by one is giver and the other is a receiver, typical example are found in job seeking, service provision and business transportation.

  1. Graft

It is a form of corruption where by an official gain something valuable out of his/her work payment when doing his particular work. The thing that a person gets is out of his official pay/gain e.g. a politician to use its knowledge and position to grab a land to trade illegally.

  1. Patronage

It is a form of corruption of centered on favoritism where by one person consider the other one on the basis of tribe, sex, religion and regionalism

  1. Nepotism

it is a form of corruption where by public official favor their relatives for illegitimate private gain, such corruption focus much on biological relationship such as children and wives ,husband, sister and cousin .In Tanzania nepotism are found in area like BOT,TRA, high post military forces, Universities etc

  1. Cronyism

is a form of corruption in which the public official are seeing to favour their friends for private gains or benefit e.g. experience is offices to find an uneducated person holding a high post this kind of commotions is manifested person holding a high post, this kind of corruptions is manifested to have no interview, no testing special program to special people and silent recruitment.

  1. Electoral fraud,

This is an illegal interference of corrupt issue in election process such corruption may start from the election period, the counting, declaration and even in campaign.

  1. Embezzlement

This is misappropriation of funds or item in which a person was entrusted, it involve misdirection of property and money by person entrusted on such issue e.g. BOT government of Tanzania embezzled 133 billion, The minister of health and education embezzled 9 billion phantom employees. Embezzlement is indicating;

  1. Missing of documents
  2. Double/triple reduplication
  3. Delay in bank and fund deposit
  4. Holes in Accounting records
  5. Large dropping in profit
  6. Double billing to customer
  7. Disparity between account fear able and receivable
  1. Unholy allowance

It is seemingly antagonistic group aiming at making profit for private gain, this mostly happen between business man and corrupt politic siding with the religious sector e.g. if someone aside with religion in business just for informer private gain.

  1. Fictious information corruption 

Is the form of given false information to people which is fictions inaccurate implementation just for private gain of its profit e.g. a politician promising an implementation of good things to his/her people without an Accurate data of clear and real implementation(it is receiving people for personal gain)

    10.  Bureaucratic corruption

Is the form of corruption were by bureaucratic provide corrupt formalities in a certain issue e.g. business service just for personal private gains e.g. sign of fake contract; It involves also facilitation or speed up payment for bureaucratic processes.
   11.  Data corruption

This is use of data that does not correlate to the quality of product or service expected. It is the one of the way of attracting the customer, of making a good trust for the customer, advertising the poor quality things in the frame of high quality product.

   12. Kick backs corruption

It is an official share of misappropriation. Here the official intentionally misdirects the fund of organization for the aim of receiving the share at the later distribution, example minister or political leader are locating the fund expenditure of his/her institution.

Reason behind corruption

  1. Absence of clear separation of power, the absence of specification of duties in three pillars of government may result to interference to poor implementation of duties solving a room for corruption to exist.
  2. Egoism ,the selfishness behaviour of leaders and civilians create a big room for corruption
  3. Poor government transparency , the Tanzania government is not transparency enough in showing how it rules and leads its people i.e. this gives the chance of corrupt issues to take place
  4. Absence of National ethics there is no policy or ideology to fear or respect in most of less developed countries, no ideology specified legal and illegal issue
  5. Lack of patriotism the love of our national is something invisible and in experienced in Tanzania
  6. Poor laws of combating corruption
  7. Weak leadership
  8. Moral and cultural deterioration.



  1. Establishment of the Warioba’s commission
  2. Establishment of prevention and combating corruption bureau(PCCB) this was found in 2007 with the mandate to combat and Prevent corruption under the base of laws of the country
  3. Establishment of ethics commission, this commission was established for the aim of ensuring proper implementation of public leadership code of ethics of 1995. It focus on declaration of acts that ensured a legal practices of public officials in their leadership, it also involved the revealing and reporting the ethics conformity in administrative sector
  4. Establishment of controller and auditor General office (CAG) the office dealing on Auditing and over sighting the function of public finance, was strengthen in 2007 its work is to provide an annual report on the government expenditure in all its sector
  5. Formation of public Procurement Regulatory Authority. The authority was found in 2004 being responsible is fear and transparent distribution of procurement of services and needs in an equal standard e.g. the issue of money procurement.

Weakness of the Efforts

  1. Poor involvement of civilians is debating scandals and solving
  2. Poor coordination in the Ant-corruptions bodies
  3. Poor separation of power in the government (interfering of duties in the government)
  4. Lack of patriotic leaders in the bodies of combating corruption
  5. Disappearance of trust of the government leaders by their citizens
  6. Poor implementation of policies due to weakness of government
  7. Lack of government accountability and transparency.

Control Measure

  1. Establishment of independence(Free or non – aligned commission against corruption)
  2. Upholding the restructuring and amendment of laws and implementation. (Maintain rule of law)
  3. Establishment of the ombudsman principles
  4. Severe punishment of corrupting official involved confiscating the properties, jailing
  5. Supporting and involving foreign exploration and revealing of scandals
  6. Upholding transparency in administration eg in signing of construct and in business activities


This topic has involved different concepts. Generally, it is a misuse of drug or subsistence abuse, which modifies mood, behavior in manner characterized by maladaptive pattern of use. We shall discuss the reason behind drug trafficking. According to sociologists and economists pointed out the economical factors because of its profitability and poor market for some crops grown by farmers in many countries. The effect of drug abuse to individual and the society will be discussed. They include mental illness, lost of man power and death. There are individual and community role in preventing drug abuse. Education become most preferable method of preventions, especially to teenagers who are the most affected. The rehabilitations program designed for addicts is another advice sable approach.


Drug is any substance which when taken into living organization may modify one or more if its function Drug abuse is defined as a self administration of drug for non medical reason, in quantities and frequencies which may impair an individual’s ability to function effectively and which may result in social, political or emotional harm.

Drug abuse

The word drug abuse has been defined in different ways depending on perception. Some scholars have defined drug abuse as habitual use to drug for a no-therapeutic reason. The most common drug in use include: alkaloids, apropos, cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, amphetamines, opium marijuana and synthetic. However Wikipedia encyclopedia has defined drug abuse in connection to talking a psychoactive drug to perform and enhance drug for non therapeutics or non medical effect.

Medical definition

From a website free encyclopedia, it defines drug abuse as substance abuse or harmful use; cover the physical or psychological harm the user from use. While subsistence dependence mean when an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drug despite problems related to use of subsistence. Subsistence abuse as a blanket term to include drug abuse and other things, other viewer defined drug abuse as misuse of maltreatment, or excusive use, and subsistence abuse is defined as continuous use which modifies the mood or behaviors or manner of the user.

Moreover website from Google continued to define drug abuse as the use of illegal drug or the use of drugs for purpose other than these for which they are meant to be used. If taken in large amount, drug abuse may lead to social, physical and mental problem.

Signs and symptoms

According to Wikipedia free encyclopedia, the signs and symptoms of drug abuse depending on the actually comport, drug misuse including alcohol may lead to health and social problems, morbidity injuries, unprotected sex, violence, deaths, motor vehicle accidents, homicides, suicides, mortality, physical dependable or psychological addition. Drug abusers are usually alcoholic and prone to suicide. The reason believed to cause the increased risk of suicide is the long term abuse of alcohol and drugs, causing physiological distortion of the brain chemistry, as well as the social solution .Moreover, the acute intoxication effects of the drug may make suicide more likely to occur. Suicide is also very common to adolescent alcohol abuse. Suicide in adolescent is also related to alcohol. Abuse is as also associated with increasing risk of committing criminal offences, including child abuse, domestic violence, rapes, burglaries and assaults.

Moreover alcohol and drug have a relationship with mental illness. This can occur both in the intoxicated state, and also during the withdraw state. In some cases, these psychiatric disorders can persist long after detoxicated such as prolonged psychosis or depression after cocaine abuse. Moreover, drug abuse affects the central nerves system (CNS), which determines the level of awareness or perception and sensing.

Drug Trafficking

Is the black market consisting of the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sales of illegal drug. In some cases certain drug are legally obtained and sold. Among the drug that are prohibited include cuberi. Illegal drug trade operates similarly to other underground marketing. Various drug provides specialize in a separate process along the supply chain.

Direly localized to maximize production efficiency depending of the profitability of each layer; supplier usually vary in size, consistency, organization and the chain range. Low level street dealer who may be individual, drug user themselves through street gang and contractors like middlemen-up to multinational empires that rival government in size. Moreover much Illegal trade cultivates and manufactures this product in many developing nations although production also occurs in some of the developed world.

It also refers to the sale and distribution of Illegal drug. However penalties to federal drug trafficking convictions vary according to the quality of the controlled substance involved in transactions.

Origin of Drug Trafficking

Origin in jurisdiction where legislation restricts the procession or sale of drug, most commonly psychoactive drug, potential drug buyers and sellers are unable to transact in open, only illegal drug trade remain as an option, and when such trade occur, a black market is born. Moreover the illegality of the black market purveying the drug trade is relative to geography location and the production countries of the drug market (many in South America, Far East and the Middle East

Countries) are not as inclined to put effective policies as the consuming countries (mostly the United States and Europe) are the ready market. The massive profiteering inherent to the drug trade serves to extend its reach despite the best effort of low enforcement agencies.

In the awareness of this reality the social consequences including crime, violence imprisonment social unrest of the drug are undeniably problematic. Therefore as a solution, it is very necessary to stop illegal drug trafficking and consumption of such items.

Reason Behind Drug Trafficking

Drug abuse trafficking has spread in very many areas in the world. They are various reasons that stimulated this drug trafficking.

The extremely high economics value of drug and profit margins, allure people to engage in organized crime and illegal business. Political movements needing money to finance their activities including guerilla and independent movements, such activities have mushroomed since the end of the cold war. Resulting in less revenue to fund the world powers.

The hashish production in morocco, the world’s largest cannabis producer, it is known that people in high places are involved in both the production and the trade. The smooth and organized way the trade is conducted makes it likely this situation is not only related but also may even been coordinated by the authorities.

However since it is no longer a secret that the authorities are highly involved in the trade, including the loyal family, one can wonder why European countries have relatively lenient altitude toward Morocco and King Hassan II.

High taxation was also among as the reason for drug trafficking in Afghanistan.

The increase of prevalence of opium is related to the breakdown of the superpower patronage and control. Since parties trying to take control, must ensure there is economic stability, hence the taxation of opium.

The lack of a strong government in countries such as Tajikistan has increased opium trading. Thus increased profit from opium was a deciding factor in removing subsides for wheat. Increased price pushed poor farmers to switch from wheat to poppy production which has much high market value.

On the other hand, Tanzania entertains other dangerous products like tobacco and alcoholic drinks. These are more popular and common in Tanzania, even if there are relatively more dangerous than many illegal drugs and are subjectively less pleasurable. Their production is attributed by profit motives.

High consumption of illegal drugs can be also stimulating factor for drug trafficking to major consumer countries, including the United States and Europe. Whereas the major producer countries include Afghanistan (opium), Bolivia and Columbia (cocaine).

Apart from major consumers, the market of illegal drug is massive. It is estimated that the global drug trade is over $321 billion. Exorbitant profits are created because of scarcity and risk involved. Illegal drugs found in the market come in many forms and names, such as: heroin, anabolic, steroid, marijuana opium and methamphetamine.

Big companies involved in drug abuse are the reason behind drug trafficking. Members of organized crime syndicate have advantages over other fragmented groups. They appear to have experience in violence, which is an unfortunate of product of drug trade.

Farmers also with no alternative crops are forced to cultivate opium. And government officials may not actually produce the drugs, but the compliant to the distribution and transportation of these drugs by turning a blind eye due to bribery and intimidation.

Finally the drug abuse as a business is very profitable since the market is wide open and the price is extremely huge.

The effects of the Drug Abuse to Individual and society

The loss of human resource (loss of productivity): Many people, who engage themselves in drug abuse, fail to work productively whether in farms, offices or industries.

Drug abuse can also cause health problem: including sexual transmitted diseases (ST’s),as well as social problems including sex violence, motor vehicle accidents, homicides, suicides, high mortality, drug addictions and alcoholism.

Drug abuse affects central nervous system: which produces changes in mode lever of awareness or perception and sensation. The cost to human socially and economically is very high. For example in the United Kingdom, it is estimated that the social and economic cost in terms of crimes, absenteeism and sickness is in excess 20 billion pounds a year.

Employment: a growing number of connectors are self employed and work in private groups. They contract counselors who are well trained and effective professionals, in vocational education, rehabilitation, mental health, behavioral disorder and drug abuse. However, experts in counseling programmers’ are not enough, and are even fewer in rural areas.

Other drug abuse stimulates decay of the moral value in the societies : Most of the addicts tend to separate from their family and societies, and indulge themselves in illegal act ivies like raping and sex. The war against drug abuse is extremely costly in terms of taxpayers’ money, productivity, law enforcement and unrest among the society. Some people urge that because it is very expensive to contain illegal drugs, they should be legalized.

Governments in developing countries like Tanzania are more affected with drug abuse because they do not have the financial and technical capacity. Most of victims are the youth who are the workforce. Many of them depend on their family economically, hence become to their parents and the nation at large.

Eccentric behavior

Eccentric or odd ball like deviants are recognized law breakers and are observed defined by the society as outlaws, and as disruptive and a threat to the social order. These eccentrics may be legated for several reasons. Firstly, they are petty thieves, drunkards, and lazy. Secondly, they are always on the sick list and therefore a burden to the society.

Mental illness

According to Beth B. Hess…et al, it is defined as residual deviance which is less obvious and more difficult to define or classify or diagnose.

Risks for many people who drink heavily may put themselves at risk with a range of potential health problems. Brain effects: Scientifics examination to determine how alcohol affects the developing of a brain, but it is difficult to detect the extent of damage caused by drug abuse in individual or a community.

Roles of individual and community in Preventing Drug Abuse

Prevention is an important way of solving problems of drug abuse. Citizens of all ages can be victims of drug, alcohol, tobacco, and mirrah, thus cause financial and social problems to the nation.

Drug abuse is hazardous especially to young people. It puts them at risk and is likely to be alcoholic permanently. Thus, a concerted effort to educate them is needed.

Education In general, drug prevention is demonstrably most effective among the youth. In addition to putting in place mitigation programs, education is likely to reduce the number of drug addicts, drug trafficking and unbecoming incidences, like violence, rapes and sexually transmitted diseases.

Parents have a critical influence over children aged 8 and 12 years. Their role is to change the attitude and behavior of their children in order to grow up as good citizens. The behavior change is later heightened by school teachers and the community. Well behaved children will normally shy away unlawful acts, such as drug abuse.

The strategy to curb drug abuse is to embark on health education by using the mass media. Such campaign should focus on preventing the young generation from drug use and encouraging current users to quit. However the compiling focuses on primary prevention targets the underlying causes, and therefore has the greatest potential to reduce the scope of this problem.

Secondly, primary prevention campaign will lessen the need for treatment. Media campaign has greater potential to affirm the ant-drug attitude of youth who are not yet involved in drug use than to persuade experienced drug users to change their behavior. The media has proved to be an effective tool in the war to prevent or reduce consumption of illegal drug and smoking, along with risk on behavior.

The method used is to campaign harnesses a diverse mixture of information tools: television, video, and radio, interned, news paper and other of news media to drive home information about drug abuse.

Educational school counselors provide individuals and groups with personal social and educational counseling regarding drug abuse at all levels of educational and careers.

There are many ways to contain drug trafficking and use;

  1. Disrupting the market chain of drugs.
  2. Stepping up campaigns to educate the public on the potential danger of drug abuse.
  3. Law enforcement against current users through medical screening and testing the suspects.
  4. Law- enforcement effort against elements of the apply chain through surveillances and undercover work.
  5. Providing effective and targeted treatment to dependant users.


Penalties for use and distribution of illegal drug vary widely around the world. Various contrite share decriminalized possession of small amount of these substances, countries like Canada, The Netherlands, USA, the penalty for illegal drug possession and sale vary from a small fine to long prison sentence.

Finally the international social and cultural factors are to playing a big role in the expansion of prohibited drug. People have shifted from localized consumption of opium poppies to internationalized and professionalized cocaine and heroin.

Impacts of drug abuse

  • It increases the rate of crimes.example theft, murder, prostitution etc.
  • Users tend to neglect their families, friend and responsibilities
  • It leads to low productivity in working place
  • It increases unnecessary burden to the government example drug users are crowded to the courtrooms, jails and creating burden on the criminal justice system hence cost the government
  • It results to mental disorders and makes the users relaxed, restless, un coordination and etc
  • It leads to death
  • It increases the spread of HIV/ AIDS due to the tendency of sharing sharp objects and needles
  • It leads to the increase of street children due to irresponsibility of the users to their families

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