


Answer all questions in this section

1.        For each of the item (i) - (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i)     A person whose profession is to express opinions about the good and bad qualities of books, music, or who examines and judges the qualities of literary works?

A. Critic              B. Director            C. Playwright              D. Comedian                E. Author

(ii)  What does this poetic live stand for?  “Ten bucks you say I owe you?”

A. Irony               B. Litotes               C. Sarcasm               D. Paradox          E. Rhetorical question

(iii)                        Which of the following examples best shows metaphor?

A. Ashura became an angel on her wedding ceremony

B. Mwajabu is as fast as a snake

C. Baroka was like a lion in the story

D. Juma is like a giraffe

E. The Indian hair is like the grass

(iv) Identify the type of poetry which is composed to be sung for a dead person.

A. Didactic poetry      B. Epic poetry         C. Ode poetry      D. Sonnet poetry        E. Elegy poems

(v)   An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which words are contradicting. Which of the following is not an oxymoron?

A.They are coming like buzzing bees

B. She is in hateful love

C.The fire cold completion has begun

D. We played a bittersweet game yesterday

E. If you want peace prepare for war

(vi) A number of actors acted a film on the stage, whereby Kaligo started using his body movement and facial expression to convey a message without speaking. This refers to as..............

A. Creation            B. Point amine                 C. Acting                 D. Mime              E. Aside

(vii)   I walked around the town and find the poster with the statement, "The dog of the king, is the king of other dogs" I stared at that poster and asked to myself why they used those words and i decided to walk away. In literature the statements of such kind are known as........

A. Idioms               B. Analogy                 C. Proverbs                D. Sayings           E. Riddles

(viii) A participant in a story who is described by another participant or an author is known as:

A. Stock character            B. Eponymous character            C. Expository character

D. Flat character                E. Round character

(ix) Artists include……

A. a poetess       B. a literary writer     

C. a person who presents his ideas, emotions and social issues artistically to warn, educate or


D. Singers                        E. all are answers

(x)   Is the act of directly addressing either the audience or some of the characters present on the stage?

A. Prompt             B. Aside              C. Contrast             D. Stage direction E. Dramatizing

2.    Match the descriptions of poetic terms in List A with the correct terms in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the corresponding item number in the answer sheet(s) provided.

List A

List B

(i)       Is the repetition of similar sounds at the end of words in a stanza.

(ii)    These are regular movements of beats occurring in the poem as the result of the rising and falling of sounds.

(iii)  Is the repetition of the initial consonant sounds of two or more words which are nearby in a line of a poem.

(iv)   Refers to the way words are chosen and arranged aesthetically in a poem to portray human realities.

(v)     Is the repetition of similar vowel sounds within words close to one another with different consonant sounds?

(vi)   Is the feeling the reader gets through the prevailing tone.

A. Poetic diction

B. Rhythms

C. Assonance

D. Mood

E. Rhyme

F. Refrain

G. Reiteration

H. Rhyme scheme

I. Alliteration


SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3.      The following statements hold functions of literature in the society, mention which function is portrayed in each of the statement

(a)   If you marry him, sure I tell you, you will regret …………

(b)   How come a civil servant is drinking alcohol during working hours ...................

(c)   If you want to harvest plenty of maize, you have to apply fertilizer at least three times, clean the farm and sleeping while watching it …………………

(d)   This type of food, the way we greet each other, were practiced by our ancestors, we will not stop until the coming generation does the same ……………

(e)   I like the way that artist dresses, speaks, sings, dances and walks.  It is real interesting ………

(f)    Amina likes visiting diamond hall every weekend to watch comedy show organized by famous comedian like Joti and Masanja. At the end of the show she returns home happily with a lot of joy ……

4.      Compose a poem of two stanzas by using the following poetic devices

(a)   Irregular rhyme

(b)   Anaphora

(c)   Alliteration

(d)   Hyperbole

(e)   Personification

(f)    Imagery

5.      Write the correct answer for each of the following

(a)   Why is title important in literary works?

(b)   Why literature uses literal language to portray the intended messages?

(c)   Why is poetic diction applied in poetry?

(d)   Why most poets prefer to use repetition in their works?

(e)   Why is climax important in the development of plot in any literary works?

(f)    Why literature is an art?

6.      “Science and Technology have been a blessing to many sectors including education sector, but a disgrace to oral literature”. In six points support the statement.

7.      Give the meaning of the following literary terms:

(a)   Ordinary language

(b)   Literary devices

(c)   Characterization

(d)   Dirge

(e)   Novella

(f)    Rhythm

8.      Explain six (6) unique features that deviates poetry from a novel?

                                                                SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two questions in this section

9.      With no doubt you come across with Amope of  “The trials of brother jero”  and Sidi of  “The lion and the jewel”  what three motives (each from one character) would you be motivated in? And why?

10.  “Figures of speech not only color the poems but have essential usefulness to the readers” verify the statement above by using two poems.

11.  “For any justice and righteous community to be into being someone must sacrifice himself or herself for the wellbeing of the minority”. By using two novels covered under this section, justify the above statement by using three points from each reading. 


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