TIME: 3:00 HOURS 2024
· This paper consist section A, B and C with total of eleven (11) questions.
· Answer all questions in section A and B, and two (2) Questions from sections C.
· Sections A carry sixteen (16) marks, Section B Carry fifty-four (54) marks and sections C carry thirty (30) marks.
· All writing must be in blue or black ink.
· Cellular phone, calculator and any un authorized material are not allowed in examination room.
· Write your Examination Number on every page.
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Answer all questions in this section.
1. For each of the items (i-x), choose the most correct answer from the among the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklets provided.
(i) Mr. Muhando who is an elder at Ulanga village. Fails to understand the reasons which made Mozambique to
use violent ways when fighting for independence. Choose the rightest alternative among the following that
will help him to understand.
A. Opted the open door policy B. It was a trusteeship territory C. It was under indirect rule
D. Burning of political parties. E. It was a mandated territory.
(ii) When did Bandug conference which emphasized on solidarity and conscious ness among the colonized
countries was held......................................................................
A. 1945 B. 1919 C. 1955 D. 1947 E. 1952.
(iii) The treaty which was used to divide East Africa in 1886 was termed as:
A. Delimitation treaty B. Helgoland treaty C. Anglo- Portugal treaty
D. Franco Prussian treaty E. Halo Ethiopian treaty.
(iv) Jabili has large farms of about 100 acres; He allow other landless people to cultivate in his land under
agreement of taking 60% of the harvest, and cultivator remains with 40% of the harvest. This king of
system can be referred as:
A. Primitive communalism B. Capitalism C. Feudalism
D. Socialism E. Slavery.
(v) Who studies the society’s cultural system, behavior, beliefs, and ideologies?
A. Archeologist B. Linguists. C. Anthropologists
D. Humanitarians E. Philanthropists.
(vi) Mr. Msangwa in form three history teacher, entered in the class with only 10 (ten) history text books. The
number of the students was 52. Unfortunately, there was competition among the students. Later teacher solved
by grouping students so as everyone would access the text book. As historian we can relate this with
whichhistorical events:
A. Berlin conference B. Scramble for and partition of Africa
C. Versailles peace treaty D. Abolition of slave trade E. League of nations
(vii) Shaban in a form four student who originates from Sukuma tribe, which inherited based on fathers side. What
is the proper term which describes his society?
A. Patrilineal society B. Matrilineal society C. Clan head society
D. Kinship society. E. Age-set society.
(viii) The military alliance which was formed between German, Italy and Austria Hungary before the second world war as...............................................................................
A. Triple Alliance B. Berlin Rome Axis C. Triple Entente
D. Dual Alliance E. Berlin-Rome Tokyo Axis
(ix) .................................................. Was the systematic tool maker and had bigger brain.
A. Zinjanthropus B. Chimpanzee C. Homo habilis
D. Homosapiens E. Homo sapiens sapiens.
(x) ................................................ Was formed in order to challenge CPP.
2. Match the items in list A with the corresponding response in List B by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet.
(i) The leader who initiated the formation of FRELIMO party in exile Tanzania and started the struggle for independence of Mozambique before his death. (ii) The founder of PAC in South Africa who arrested after sharp ell massacre. (iii) The first president of Guinea Bissau and the founder of PAIGE. (iv) The revolution that help people to grow more food and cash crops. (v) The revolution that was led by Gamal Abdel Naser in 1952. (vi) The revolution that took place in 1917 and inspired African nationalism. |
A. Rusian revolution B. Industrial revolution C. Robart Sombukwe D. Jomo Kenyatta E. Egypt revolution F. Chinese revolution G. Edward Mondlane H. Nelson Mandela I. Robart Mugabe J. Agricultural revolution K. Luis De Almaida Cabral |
Answer all questions in this sections.
3. (a) How did the system of colonial economy in Kenya influence the nature and character of struggle
for independence in that country. (three points)
(b) A form three students conducting a debate on how colonial economy is differ from pre-colonial
economy? Help them by three point
(c) Mwajuma is illiterate woman who is 89 years old. He narrates past political events to his
grandchildren who is 25 years old. Why such methods used by mwajuma is considered as un
reliable source of historical. (Give three points)
4. (a) During liberation struggle women were no value and useless. Discuss the statements by using
three points (3 points)
(b) During slavery, people did not become slaves accidentally. As a form four students show how
people became slaves. (3points)
(c) Explain the factors for state formation in pre- colonial societies. (3 points)
5. Arrange the following historical events in chronological order by writing number one to six (1-6) besides the item number in the answer sheet.
(i) The First World War changed the African history in colonization and made Tanganyika to be under British control.
(ii) Arabs was the first foreigners to interact and conduct trading activities for longer periods than other foreigners.
(iii) Germans were authorized to rule Tanganyika after the Berlin conference of the 1884/1885 headed by Otto on Bismarck.
(iv) The Portuguese need to control East Africa through Indian Ocean in the 15th century,made the decline of Arab rule.
(v) Several challenges faced Portuguese including bad climatic condition and lack of enough fund made the end of Portuguese rule in the 17th century.
(vi) Tanganyika is the among the East African country that has passed on through different period of development from pre-colonial era to the period of colonialism.
6. (a) Ethiopia is a non-colonized colony. Explain what made Ethiopia to remain without being colonized in the 19th
century and 20thcenturies? (give four reasons)
(b) Explain Why did British introduced colonial infrastructure in Africa?( give five reasons)
7. Draw a sketch map of Africa and locate the following by using the roman number.
(i) A country in which attained her political independence through the struggle of CPP
(ii) A country in which attained her political independence through the struggle of MPLA.
(iii) A country in which attained her political independence through the struggle of KANU.
(iv) A country in which attained her political independence through the struggle of FRELIMO
(v) A country in which attained her political independence through the struggle of PAIGC.
(vi) A country in which attained her political independence through the Struggle of UNIP.
8. Mr. Adrian was working at Tanga sisal plantation during the colonial era, later he was shifted to mwadui for gold mining activities.
(a) Name the types of labor represented by Mr. Adrian?
(b) Define the name mentioned from letter” A”
(c) Why the types of labor were preferred by colonialist during colonial era? (4 points).
Answer only two questions from this sections
9. Fakhi’s family was here in Africa when iron was discovered. Explain how iron was useful to Fakhi’s family? (Give six points)
10. After Second World War, Many African colonies started the movement to liberate themselves from the umbrella of colonialism. It was Ghana that overlapped and became the first country to succeed. (Give the six reasons for early success.
11. Mr. Van Dyke and his fellow shifted from Europe to the Cape of good hope in south Africa during the year 1652 and plan to settle permanently there. Highlight the reasons for their journey to the cape. (six points).
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