


TIME: 3:00 HOURS                                                                                     2024


1.  This paper consists of section A, B, and C with a total of eleven [11] question.

2.  Answer all question in section A, and B and only two (2) question from section C

3.  Section A carries sixteen [16] marks, section B carries fifty-four [54] marks and section c carries thirty [30] marks.

4.  Communication devices and any unauthorized material are not allowed in the examination room.

5.  Write your examination Number on every page of your answer sheet.











































SECTION A (16 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1.    For each of the following items [i]-[x] choose the correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in answer booklet provided

[i]       In corrupted society, official exercise of power than what they are granted by laws that means they are free to do what they think to be right and same their interest. This situation can be termed as…

[a] Equality                       [c] Rule of law            [e]Corruption

[b] Abuse of power           [d] Equity


[ii]     Mwajuma is planning to get marriage for about one year now, she has developed friendship with a person opposite sex who he thinks is right person. How can you describe such relationship?

[a]  Marital relationship                 [c] Courtship               [e] Wedding

[b]  Pre mature marriage                [d] Honeymoon 


[iii]  Why was the year 1984 important in human rights development in Tanzania?

[a]  It marks important steps in history of Tanzania

[b]  A special human rights committee of woman was established

[c] Tanzania become free from colonialism

[d]   A bill of right was included in the constitution of Tanzania

[e]    Mwl J.K Nyerere retired in politics

[iv]   How is non-banking institution differing from banking institution?

[a]  They keep valuable items like gold

[b] They provide service like insurance and pension

[c] They mobilize funds from formal and private sectors [d]They provide commercial services to the public

[e] They mobilize savings and transaction for customers.


[v]     The collective name of the village government, ward government and district council is….

[a]  Government authorities           [c] Rural authorities                [c] Town authorities

[b] Urban authorities                     [d] Municipal authorities 


[vi]   The makonde are famous in Tanzania for their skills in marking carvings of various types. How do you characterize such carvings?

[a]  Tradition                      [c] Norms                    [e] Arts

[b]Performing art              [d] Crafts 


[viii] Mr mshobozi family had two children, Eliza and shafii. Both of children were selected to join secondary education but the family decided to marry off the girl. How can you describe the family decision?

[a] Gender blindness                   [c] Gender equity

[b] Gender equality                     [d] Gender mainstreaming

[e] Gender discrimination

[viii] The uhuru Torch symbolizes 

[a]  Freedom and work                              [c] National defence 

[b]  State power and economic base          [d]Freedom and enlightenment 

[d] National development

[ix] …………is the type of marriage happens when a girl decided to visit her boyfriend and stays with him expecting to get married.

[a]  Sororate marriage                    [c] Elopement marriage          [e]Civil marriage

[b]  A woman marriage                  [d] Customary marriage


[x] One of the following is not part of economic integration

[a]  East African community, Arab Maghreb union, East Africa Market

[b]  Southern African Development community, Economic community for West African states, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa

[c]   Arab Maghreb union, Southern African Development community, East African community

[d]  Economic community for central African States, Southern African Development Community, Economic community for West African states

[e]   East African community, Arab maghreb union, Economic community for central Africa states    


2.        Match the description of social skills in List A with the correct skills in List B, by writing the letter of the corresponding response beside the item number in answer booklet provided.

                             LIST A


[i]         A form of courtship in which a young girl disappears at home late at night and goes to her Love 

[ii]      A form of courtship where by a young man spies a young girl he likes

[iii]    A form of courtship in which a man takes away the woman he wishes to marry

[iv]            A form of courtship that involves social network such as Twitter, Facebook and Mainstream

[v]  A form of courtship in which man dress nicely decorate their faces and dance to attract women

[vi]            A form of closely relationship intended to bring marriage

A.     Online relationship

B.     Self- initiated relationship

C.     Annual courtship festival

D.     Winged flight

E.      Traditional courtship

F.      Courtship

G.     Bride abduction

H.     Love walks

I.        Dating

J.        Modern courtship

K.     Marriage



Answer all questions from this section.

3.    Read the following passage and then answer the question that follows

Investing in education of girls could be one of the investment with the highest return in Tanzania There is wide spread perception that better educated women are able to process information and use goods and services more efficiently. Evidence from many studies demonstrate that in the long run, increased education for women could contribute to improve quality of life and enhance national development through increase economic production, improved hygienic practice, Educated women are better prepared to provide healthcare, to educate their children and reduce their fertility to desire level.

In Tanzania, children acquire gender role identity as a consequence of differential treatment, expectation and reinforcement given to girl and boys by their parents, teacher, and society. Cultural factors have a pervasive influence on the situation of female education. The Tanzanian culture has an inherent gender bias which adversely affect females. These customary practices include early marriage and parental preference for a wife and mother role for daughters. These strong shape the aspiration of girls and they may drop out of formal schooling system prematurely, either physically or intellectually.

Among the strategies taken by the government to ensure that girls enrolled in primary school on equal number as boys include the enactment of the Education Act of 1969.The act provide legal backing to ensure that children were not withdrawn from school before complementing the primary school cycle. Also important was the introduction of Universal Primary Education in 1974 and the Education Act No. 25 of 1978, Which gave the government power to enforce compulsory enrollment and attendance of girls and boys in schools. Through these efforts the gross enrollment ratio reached 93 percent in the late 1980s.

However, the quality of primary education in Tanzania has suffered from under funding and pupil’s development of critical thinking has been undermined by class size and for girls particularly, by a curriculum which perpetuates gender stereotyping.


[a]   Why investing in education of girls can have the highest returns in Tanzania?

[b]   Point out two cultural factors which affect the education of a girl child in Tanzania

[c]    State three ways through which children acquire gender roles in Tanzania

[d]   Outline two challenges facing   primary education in Tanzania

[e]    Give two reasons behind increased enrollment of girls and boys in late 1980s.


4.        [a] Examine five root causes of improper behavior among students of Tanzania.

[b] List five institution responsible for promoting and preserving our culture


5.        [a] Identify and explain five possible challenges likely to happen during courtship

 [b] Explain five customs which influence gender discrimination


6.        [a] Salumu is fighting with Jabir because of waridi, Their case were reported to mr Mtoro show five steps used by Mr Mtoro to solve their problem.

 [b] In five points explain the relationship between government of Tanzania and constitution


7.        [a]Explain five importance of caring and maintaining personal and public property

[b] Explain why is important for the current generation to be equipped with 21st century skills, use five points


8.        [a] Explain in five points how can Tanzania benefit from globalization

[b] Most members in society are not aware on the causes of high incidences of road accidents. As a student who pass   through knowledge of road accidents, explain why road crashes increased daily.



Answer two question in this section


9.        Tanzania is part of countries adhering principles of democracy during election and by- election. From above statement describe five importance of democratic election.


10.    If you have given a chance to meet with the president of united Republic of Tanzania and given a blank notebook to express your understanding about strategies to improve the informal sector, what will be your five key points.

11.    Although the reproductive health education is neglected by many people in a community but it has significant role in improving the health of women and children. By giving five points elaborate the factors that can be taken to improve the reproductive health to the women in Tanzania. 




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