
Friday, 27 September 2024


1.      What is the significance of Russian and Chinese revolution to Africa?

2.      Discuss the Africans contribution to the development of the European capitalist system.

3.      Trace the development that led to the emergence of a capitalist society in Britain

4.      What were the contributions of Trans Atlantic Triangular Trade to the development of capitalism in Europe?

5.      “Nazism and Apartheid are similar system”. Discuss

6.      Why was Africa integrated into the capitalist system in the form of creating colonies?

7.      Identify the reasons for Britain’s loss of Industrial supremacy by 1870’s.

8.      Analyze the major factors that contributed to the rise of Nazism in Germany

9.      Show the main characteristics of Neo-colonialism

10.  Assess the concept of African socialism and show how it succeeded in harmonizing post-colonial African societies

11.  Account for the rise of Fascism and Nazism in Europe

12.  “No Alliance, No First World War”

13.  The Imperialistic and Nationalistic ambitions rendered the League of Nations ineffective. Discuss

14.  Explore the factors that made the partition of Africa among Imperialist powers to take place in the 1880’s and not before

15.  The scramble for Africa was uneven among the Imperialist powers. Why some areas were intensively scrambled?

16.  State the reasons for the collapse of the world Free Trade in the last quarter  of the 19thc

17.  How did the development of capitalism lead to the rise of European Nationalism?

18.  Explain how Navigation laws strengthened British Mercantilism?

19.  What developments gave rise to the working class in Britain?

20.  Show the validity of the fact that the feudal mode of production was unprogressive

21.  Clearly make an Identification of the Scientific changes in Agriculture that gave rise to capitalism in Britain

22.  Explain the contribution of the commercial Revolution into the rise and development of Capitalism in Britain

23.  Evaluate the features of Industrial capitalism in Europe.

24.  Discuss the roles played by missionaries, traders and explorers as agents of western European Imperialism.

25.  Discuss the effects of Germany unification and Industrialization in the 19th c on Europe and Africa

26.  Discuss the illegitimacy of legitimate trade in Africa.

27.  Why was Luddism dominated and characterized by Violence?

28.  With plausible explanations analyze the life cycle of capitalism according to V.I Lenin showing clearly how each stage leads to the rise of the other and their main features.

29.  Discuss the Historical relationship between Monopoly capitalism and the colonization tendencies in the 19th c.

30.  Highlight the principle tenets of the profounder of Utopian socialist theory and show how their ideas led to the development of scientific socialism.

31.  Examine the roles of WWI and WWII to the rise of USA and decline of Britain

32.  Hostile relations between France and Germany created a situation in Europe which gave birth to the outbreak of the WWI. Discuss

33.  Why scientific socialism failed solidity within the European Industrial society?

34.  The world economic recession was a result of USA demand to dominate the world capitalism. Narrate this argument.

35.  What do you understand by Franklin Roosevelt deal? How far was it successful?

36.  Appraise six signs which revealed the existence of cold war between the Eastern and western blocks from 1945.

37.  Show how Tanzanians benefited by a New economic strategy which was adopted in 1967.

38.  The rise of second Industrial class movement in Britain was due to political forces more than economic and social factors. How far is this statement correct historically?

39.  What were the main reasons for putting missiles in Cuba which was deliberately engineered by Khrushchev

40.  Explain the events which led to Berlin congress of 1878.

41.  Explain causes and outcomes of the 1956 Jewish-Arab war.

42.  Assess four (04) successes and four (04) failure of the New Deal advocated by the US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

43.  Elaborate the circumstances which accelerated the crisis between Israel and Palestine in the Middle East.

44.  “The world Peace and stability since 1945 was at stake”. Discuss

45.  The survival of Feudalism and the rise of Democracy in Europe were antonymous in reality. Is this notion valid or invalid?

46.  “The war between Israel and her Arab neighbors are historical phenomena”. Discuss

47.  Chinese socialist revolution is regarded as the Peasant’s revolution. Isn’t it? Present your arguments.

48.  The drawing of political map of Africa after the Berlin conference of 1884/85 was a direct consequence of the development of capitalism in Western Europe. Explain this view.

49.  Critically analyze the genesis for the 1949 SINO’s Revolution

50.  The Enclosure system was very brutal and harsh to the Peasants; it was favoring the new emerged capitalists. Elaborate how was it implemented in Britain

51.  Explain the strategies used by the Nazi Government to improve Germany Economy in the 1930’s.

52.  Account for the victorious of Britain during Mercantile trade around 14th c.

53.  King’s extravagance has been historically named as one of the key causes of many political revolutions in Europe. Highlight other political, economic and social factors responsible for forceful political changes in Europe.

54.  The coming of undemocratic forces in Europe during the Inter world war period was indispensable. Justify

55.  Elaborate the humiliative terms that were directed  to Germany after the WWI(1914-1918)

56.  Explain the indicators of underdevelopment.

57.  What were the reasons that contributed to the demise of Russia and the communist bloc?

58.  Explain advantages and disadvantages of privatization policy in Tanzania.

59.  Elaborate the reasons for the inevitability of the abolition of Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in the 19th c.

60.  Analyses factors accounting for the rise of USA Capitalism

61.  “Mercantilism is historically directly linked with African underdevelopment”. Justify

62.  Discuss how the Arms race was a threat to the world peace and stability

63.  Elaborate objectives of “South-south Dialogue” of 1987 and explain the Impacts of this historical event on the third world poverty eradication.

64.  Discuss how economic cooperation can assist to alleviate under development to the poor country like Tanzania

65.  Appraise strengths of Ujamaa in Tanzania.

66.  “Africa’s extreme poverty is partly attributed to historical phenomena”. Validate this statement

67.  Explain the factors which triggered off the rise of dictatorship in Japan.

68.  Show the contributions of philosophers in development of democracy in France in 1780’s

69.  Explain the mechanisms to be employed to get rid of under development

70.  “In developing nations, underdevelopment is due to Internal and external causes”. Elaborate

71.  “Saint Simon, Robert Owen and others are worthless, when it comes to the development of world socialism”. Comment

72.  Discuss the mechanisms through which Mercantilism operated.

73.  Explain socio-economic and political situation of Europe under feudalism

74.  King Henry VII, VIII and Queen Elizabeth I, propelled the English Mercantile trade. Explain

75.  Discuss the factors that led to the Improvement of relations between the antagonistists of the Cold war after 1953.

76.  Explain the Negative effects of the Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP’s) in the Developing Nations.

77.  What were the challenges encountered by Tanzania from adopting Ujamaa and self-reliance policies?

78.  “Africa helped to develop Western Europe in the same proportion as Western Europe helped to under develops Africa during Mercantile era”. Justify this statement.


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