Baadhi ya wanafunzi waliopangiwa shule za advance mwishoni mwa mwezi wa tano, wanatamani kubadilisha michepuo na kujiunga michepuo mingine. Njia rahisi ya kubadilisha mchepuo kwende mchepuo mwingine ni kama ifuatavyo:-
- Ikiwa shule uliyopangiwa inamchepuo huo unaotaka kwenda na umetimiza vigezo na masharti ya mchepuo huo, kazi hiyo ni rahisi sana
- Ikiwa unatatizo la kiafya litakalosababbisha wewe kushindwa kwenda kwenye mkoa au shule uliyopangiwa hayo yanasikilizwa na mamlaka husika, fuata utaratibu uliowekwa kisha fanya mchakato wako mapema. ANGALIZO: Uthibitisho wa daktari kutoka hosipitali inayoaminika unaweza kuhitajika.
- Ikiwa unachangamoto zingine zozote muhimu, mamlaka husika zinaweza kukusikiliza kama utafuata utaratibu husika na kutafuta ushauri kwa watu wenye uzoefu na mambo hayo.
- Ikiwa utaamua kujiunga shule binafsi, hupangiwi combination (endapo tu umekithi vigezo na masharti ya combination unayotaka kusoma)
Haya yachukuliwe kama maoni yangu na sio taarifa rasmi za mamlaka
soma vigezo na masharti ya kila combination hapa chini
tembelea ukurasa halali wa TAMISEMI HAPA
Tahasusi na Vigezo.
A: Tahasusi za Sayansi ya JamiiPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
Na. | Masomo | Vigezo |
1. | History, Geography and Kiswahili (HGK) | Mwanafunzi awe amefaulu masomo yote kwa tahasusi husika |
2. | History, Geography and English Language (HGL) | |
3. | History, Geography and French (HGF) | |
4. | History, Kiswahili and English Language (HKL) | |
5. | History, Geography and Arabic (HGAr) | |
6. | History, Geography and Chinese (HGCh) | |
7. | History, Geography and Economics (HGE) | Awe amefaulu History na Geography |
8. | History, Geography and Fasihi ya Kiswahili (HGFa) | Awe amefaulu History, Geography na Kiswahili/Fasihi ya Kiswahili |
9. | History, Geography and Literature in English (HGLi) | Awe amefaulu History, Geography na English language/Literature in English |
B: Tahasusi za LughaPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
10. | Kiswahili, English Language and French (KLF) | Awe amefaulu masomo yote kwa tahasusi husika |
11. | Kiswahili, English Language and Arabic (KLAr) | |
12. | Kiswahili, English Language and Chinese (KLCh) | |
13. | Kiswahili, Arabic and Chinese (KArCh) | |
14. | Kiswahili, Arabic and French (KArF) | |
15. | English Language, French and Arabic (LFAr) | |
16. | English Language, French and Chinese (LFCh) | |
17. | French, Arabic and Chinese (FArCh) | |
18. | History, English Language and French (HLF) | |
19. | History, English Language and Arabic (HLAr) | |
20. | History, English Language and Chinese (HLCh) | |
C: Business StudiesPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
21. | Economics, Business Studies and Accountancy (EBuAc) | Awe amefaulu Business Studies/Commerce na Book keeing |
22. | Economics, Geography and Mathematics (EGM) | Awe amefaulu Geography na Mathematics |
23. | Economics, Commerce and Accountancy (ECAc) | Awe amefaulu Commerce na Book Keeping |
24. | Economics, Computer Science and Mathematics (ECsM) | Awe amefaulu Computer Science/ICs na Mathematics |
25. | Business Studies, Accountancy and Computer Science (BuAcCs) | Awe amefaulu Business Studies/Commerce, Book Keeping na Computer Science/Ics |
26. | Business Studies, Accountancy and Mathematics (BuAcM) | Awe amefaulu Business Studies/Commerce, Book Keeping na Mathematics |
27. | Economics, Business Studies and Islamic Knowledge (EBuI) | Awe amefaulu Business Studies/Commerce na Islamic Knowledge |
D: Tahasusi za SayansiPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
28. | Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) | Mwanafunzi awe amefaulu masomo yote kwa tahasusi husika |
29. | Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) | |
30. | Physics, Geography and Mathematics (PGM) | |
31. | Chemistry, Biology and Geography (CBG) | |
32. | Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science (PMCs) | Mwanafunzi awe amefaulu Physics na Mathematics |
33. | Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CBA) | Mwanafunzi awe amefaulu masomo yote kwa tahasusi husika |
34. | Chemistry, Biology and Food and Human Nutrition (CBN) | |
E: Tahasusi za MichezoPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
35. | Biology, Food and Human Nutrition and Sports (BNS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na Biology/Human Nutrition |
36. | English Language, Music and Sports (LMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na English Language/Music |
37. | Kiswahili, Music and Sports (KMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na Kiswahili/Music |
38. | Fasihi ya Kiswahili, Music and Sports (FaMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na Fasihi ya Kiswahili/Music |
39. | Literature in English, Music and Sports (LiMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na Literature in English/Music |
40. | French, Music and Sports (FMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na French/Music |
41. | Arabic, Music and Sports (ArMS) | Awe amefaulu Sports na Arabic/Music |
F: Tahasusi za SanaaPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
42. | Kiswahili, English Language and Theatre Arts G(KLT) | Awe amefaulu Theatre Arts na Kiswahili /English Language |
43. | Kiswahili, French and Theatre Arts (KFT) | Awe amefaulu theatre Arts na Kiswahili /French |
44. | Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Theatre Arts (FaLT) | Awe amefaulu Theatre Arts na Fasihi ya Kiswahili /English Language |
45. | Kiswahili, Literature in English and Theatre Arts (KLiT) | Awe amefaulu Theatre Arts na Kiswahili /Literature in English |
46. | Kiswahili, English Language and Music (KLM) | Awe amefaulu Music na Kiswahili /English Language |
47. | Kiswahili, French and Music (KFM) | Awe amefaulu Music na Kiswahili /French |
48. | Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Music (FaLM) | Awe amefaulu Music na Fasihi ya Kiswahili /English Language |
49. | Kiswahili, Literature in English and Music (KLiM) | Awe amefaulu Music na Kiswahili /Literature in English |
50. | Kiswahili, English Language and Fine Art (KLFi) | Awe amefaulu Fine Art na Kiswahili, English Language |
51. | Kiswahili, French and Fine Art (KFFi) | Awe amefaulu Fine Art na Kiswahili/French |
52. | Fasihi ya Kiswahili, English Language and Fine Art (FaLFi) | Awe amefaulu Fine Art na Fasihi ya Kiswahili /English Language |
53. | Kiswahili, Literature in English and Fine Art (KLiFi) | Awe amefaulu Fine Art na Kiswahili/Literature in English |
54. | Kiswahili, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (KTeFi) | Awe amefaulu Garment Construction na Kiswahili/Fine Art |
55. | English Language, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (LTeFi) | Awe amefaulu Garme nt Construction na English Language /Fine Art |
56. | Arabic, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (ArTeFi) | Awe amefaulu Garment Construction |
57. | Chinese, Textile and Garment Construction and Fine Art (ChiTeFi) | Awe amefaulu Garment Construction na Chinese/Fine Art |
G: Tahasusi za Elimu ya DiniPakua Shule Pakua Orodha | ||
58. | Islamic Knowledge, History and Geography (IHG) | Mwanafunzi awe amefaulu masomo yote kwa tahasusi husika |
59. | Divinity, History and Geography (DHG) | |
60. | Islamic Knowledge, History and Arabic (IHAr) | |
61. | Divinity, History and English Language (DHL) | |
62. | Islamic Knowledge, History and English Language (IHL) | |
63. | Divinity, History and Kiswahili (DHK) | |
64. | Islamic Knowledge, History and Kiswahili (IHK) | |
65. | Divinity, Kiswahili and English Language (DKL) |
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