
Sunday, 3 March 2024


Certainly! If your computer is feeling sluggish, there are several steps you can take to improve its performance. Let’s boost that speed! 🚀

  1. Check Your Startup Programs:

    • When your computer boots up, many programs automatically start running. Some of these might not be necessary.
    • To manage startup programs in Windows 10:
      • Press the Windows key, type Task Manager, and select it.
      • Click the “Startup” tab.
      • Review the list of programs and their Startup Impact. Disable any non-essential ones by selecting them and clicking “Disable”.
  2. Adjust Your Restart Settings:

    • By default, Windows 10 reopens all previously open apps after a restart. This can impact performance.
    • To turn this off:
      • Open the Settings app (click “Start” and select the settings cog).
      • Go to Accounts > Sign-In Options.
      • Turn off the slider labeled “Use My Sign-In Info To Automatically Finish Setting Up My Device And Reopen My Apps After An Update Or Restart.”
  3. Remove Bloatware and Unneeded Apps:

    • Some programs have background utilities that run even when the app isn’t active.
    • Unload apps you rarely use, including any preinstalled bloatware.
    • To uninstall unnecessary apps:
      • Go to Settings > Apps.
      • Select the app and click “Uninstall”.
  4. Check Your Storage Space:

    • Ensure you have enough free space on your hard drive. Delete files you no longer need.
    • Use the built-in Disk Cleanup tool to remove temporary files and system junk.
  5. Turn Off Visual Effects:

    • Disable unnecessary visual effects like animations and shadow effects.
    • To adjust visual effects:
      • Right-click “This PC” or “My Computer” and select “Properties”.
      • Click “Advanced system settings”.
      • Under the “Performance” section, click “Settings”.
      • Choose “Adjust for best performance” or customize specific effects.
  6. Check for Viruses and Malware:

    • Run a full system scan using reliable antivirus software (such as Malwarebytes).
    • Remove any detected threats.
  7. Consider Upgrading Hardware:

    • If your computer is still slow, consider upgrading components like RAM or switching to a solid-state drive (SSD).
  8. Regular scan for malware and viruses

        Regular virus scanning is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Peace of Mind:

    • While real-time antivirus software runs in the background, manual scans provide assurance that everything is secure.
    • Regular scans help you stay confident that your data is protected against threats.
  2. Plan for a Full Scan:

    • Antivirus software offers quick and deep scans.
    • A full scan checks your system thoroughly, unlike the daily quick scan.
    • Allocating time for a full scan ensures comprehensive protection.
  3. Check for Dormant Files:

    • Some malware remains dormant and undetected after an initial scan.
    • Regular manual scans keep you up-to-date with the latest definition files, enhancing security.
  4. Antivirus Software Developers Recommend It:

    • Following their advice ensures optimal protection.
    • Regular scans help maintain a healthy system.
  5. Internet Users Encounter Suspicious Files:

Remember, regular maintenance and keeping your system clutter-free will help maintain optimal performance. Happy computing! 😊

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