
Friday, 16 June 2023

Ordinary Level Result Processing System | Download


We are pleased to introduce you to our O LEVEL Result Processing System for Secondary Schools. This system is designed to make it easier for teachers to process and analyze student results.


The system includes the following features:

  • Breakdown of performance (division summary) for students in different subjects (Mathematics/English).
  • Top 10 and bottom 10 students in each exam.
  • Ranking of students in each exam and subject based on your requirements.
  • Grade selection for each subject.
  • Two subjects, such as Religious Studies and Sports, are not included in the student's overall division.
  • Class average and individual average for students in different subjects (Mathematics/English).
  • Graphical analysis for each exam and filled attempt, along with comments for each exam/attempt.
  • Class GPA and individual GPA for each student.
  • Report up to 400 students in one batch (Refer to the picture).
  • Assessing student behavior and including it in a report sent to parents/guardians. Additionally, you can send SMS messages using Excel plugins that we will provide, which you can install on your computer.

System Requirements

The system works well on desktop or laptop computers with Microsoft Office 2016, 2019, 2021, or newer versions.

How to Get the System

To obtain the system, please click on the following link:

Click here to get the system:

How to Get the Password

To get the password to change the school name, please do the following:

  1. Visit
  2. Get one evidence that you have visited the site.
  3. Share it in at least five WhatsApp groups or 10 friends.
  4. Send the screenshot to us via WhatsApp at +255 682 744 740.
  5. Claim your password.


We provide support to everyone at all times. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or problems.


We believe that our O LEVEL Result Processing System will be a valuable tool for teachers. It will save you time and effort, and it will help you to better analyze student results.

Thank you for your interest in our product.


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